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2023-07-06 2:00 PM (GMT-3)

Energy transition in Brazil: Strategies for growth

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Almost 7% of the planet’s renewable energy is produced in Brazil and the country has long been a leader in biofuels and hydropower technologies.

Brazil is paving the way for an epochal energy transition that might place the country at the forefront of sustainable development and renewable energy – including the hydrogen market, of which Brazil might become the largest consumer and exporter worldwide – for many years to come. Every energy transition though requires broader changes that affect not only the energy technologies per se, but also the social, political, economic, and clearly environmental landscape.

Our guest speakers will share their insights about the current Brazilian energy market and the economic forecast of the energy sector, its volumes and values, and the latest regulations and their impact. Our experts will discuss possible strategies for navigating this energy transition and carbon credits environment, identifying and taking advantage of opportunities.

Join us on July 6, 2023 for Energy transition in Brazil: strategies for growth, an M&A Community online webinar to explore the latest trends in the M&A market for the energy sector in Brazil. 

Please note that the one-hour session live will be in Portuguese.

To register, fill out the form.

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